Dr. Ohhira's Essential Formulas Probiotics
The history of Dr. Ohhira's Essential Formula probiotics reads almost like a fairy tale. It all starts with a beautiful clean natural spring flowing out of the remote mountains of Shibayama Japan.
This clean and nutrient-rich water is added to a buffet of 92 different seasonal vegetables, herbs, fruits, mushrooms and seaweeds. These whole foods are the prebiotic (food) which fuels the growth of the probiotics.
Twelve strains of probiotics are added to the mixtures and allowed to ferment for 3-5 years. During the fermentation process the probiotics multiply to produce more probiotics and additional nutrients (postbiotics).
Next imagine this whole food and probiotic stew all housed in a huge temperature-controlled room with classical music. Yes, you read that correctly----classical music is played 24 hours a day during the 3-5 year fermentation process. The original Dr. Ohhira's Essential Formula is fermented for 3 years and the professional strength is fermented for 5 years.
Typically a probiotic supplement is just probiotics without the added benefit of pre- and postbiotics. Dr. Ohhira's Essential Formula is the only supplement that contains the power of three: prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics. When you eat fermented foods, like sauerkraut, you also benefit from the power of these three biotics.
The Power of 3
Does your current probiotic give you triple the benefits? Dr. Ohhira's Essential Formulas probiotics will do just that. This formula supplies prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics. Most of you have heard about probiotics and how they work in our digestive system, but what about prebiotics and postbiotics? These biotics (life inside) are just as important to your health as probiotics.
Prebiotics are the first step to probiotics---both in a supplement and in your intestines. Probiotics are living organisms that need food in order to survive. Prebiotics are food for probiotics. You can take all the probiotic capsules you have, but in order for them to stay and grow in your intestines, these bacteria need a food source. Their food source is called a prebiotic. Prebiotics are found in vegetables, fruits, herbs, seaweeds, and mushrooms. To capture the power of prebiotics, Dr. Ohhira's Formulas uses a blend of 92 different seasonal foods with natural prebiotics.
Probiotics are essential to your immune system health. Over 70% of your immune cells live inside your intestines. Coincidentally, most of the probiotics in your body also live in your intestines. Your immune system and probiotics are integrally connected to each other and to our overall health and longevity. Medical scientists recommend an 85-15 balance: that is to say 85% of the bacteria in your intestines should be probiotics (good bacteria) to balance the 15% of bad bacteria you may encounter.
Postbiotics are substances that are created during fermentation. These nutrients are a byproduct of the probiotics as they multiply and ferment in a whole food medium. Postbiotics include amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and hydrogen peroxide which controls the acidity in your colon.
Additional benefits of Dr. Ohhira's Essential Formulas Probiotics:
All of Dr. Ohhira's probiotic supplements are shelf stable for 3 years. This allows convenience for traveling, or putting your supplements out on the counter so you don't forget to take them.
The capsules are enteric coated so that they don't dissolve in your stomach. Stomach acid will kill probiotics. They live in your small and large intestines which are more of an alkaline environment than the stomach. Many inferior probiotic supplements are useless because they aren't enteric coated, and therefore your stomach acid kills all the probiotics before they enter your intestines.
Dr. Ohhira actually discovered a new strain of probiotic now known as TH10 (Enterococcus faecalis). It is 6.25 times more potent than any other known probiotic strain.
Dr. Ohhira's Essential Formulas probiotics are gluten free, dairy free, and non-GMO.
If you are asking yourself if your probiotic capsule contains The Power of 3, the answer is no. Dr. Ohhira's Essential Formulas are unique and unrivaled in the world of probiotic supplements. They capture all the power and nutrition of fermented foods and pack them into a capsule.
For additional recipes, biohacking tips and lifestyle hacks -- check out my other blog on my coaching site www.cleancoachcarly.com! I post weekly about nutrition and lifestyle topics, all backed by science. Happy Reading!