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How Can You Benefit From Transfer Point’s Beta 1,3D Glucan

by Carly Neubert, BA, NC on May 08, 2024

Transfer Point’s Beta Glucan has been a staple in our wellness and my recommendations for over a decade. It has been the topic of many blog articles I’ve written previously. I’ll include those links below in case you need a refresher:

Transfer Point Beta Glucan - The Best Beta Glucan Supplement

Winter Wellness Kit 2.0

Beta Glucan: You Beta Believe It!

Beta Glucan in Review

This article will go into the details on how Beta 1,3D Glucan stimulates your immune cells in your body. I’ll include some additional readings at the bottom as well. 

Your immune system is a complex workaholic. It is a network of organs, proteins, and cells that defend your body against foreign invaders (like infections) and protects your cells. By keeping note of every substance (pathogen, microbe, chemical, food, etc) that we encounter, our bodies can better adapt to fighting off illness. These cells are the defenders and soldiers that encounter enemy fire all day long, 365 days a year. For example, when we get a cold, it could have come from one of the 165 different rhinovirus lineages and your immune cells need to be familiar with each one. 

Your immune system is comprised of your white blood cells, bone marrow, lymphatic system and spleen, tonsils, thymus, and your small intestines. Your gut (small intestines) is where 70% of your immune cells live.  White blood cells circulate throughout your body via the bloodstream. White blood cells are like detectives, they are looking out for the bad guys that can make us sick. When they see one, they send signals to other immune system cells to multiply and remove the offending cell. 

There are 3 main categories of immune cells: 1. Neutrophils 2. Lymphocytes (T,B, and NK natural killer cells) 3. Macrophages.  50-70% of immune white blood cells are known as “neutrophils.” They are the most abundant immune cells and your immune system’s first line of defense. About 30% of these neutrophils are active and ready to go. The other 70%, however, are dormant.  How do we wake them up and get them ready to go? We introduce a fungus (like something sourced from brewer’s yeast!) This is where Transfer Point’s Beta 1,3D Glucan formula can really make a difference. 

Beta-glucans are known as Biological Response Modifiers (BRMs).  There are other nutrients, like oregano oil, that are anti-microbial and assist in killing pathogens.  While other nutrients like echinacea stimulate immune cells.  BRMs, like Transfer Point’s Beta 1,3D Glucan prime immune cells so they are alert and on guard.  BRMs support the innate immune cell response and do not suppress or overstimulate your immune cells.  You can think of beta-glucans in terms of the Goldilocks effect. In Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, Goldilocks finds one bed too hard, one bed too soft, and one bed just right.  Beta Glucan’s aren’t too hard and over-stimulate your immune cells, nor are they too soft and suppress your immune cells.  They provide priming for the cells to do their innate job of being alert to invaders.  

When you take Beta 1,3D Glucan supplement, it travels through your body and is brought to immune system cells through Peyer’s Patches. Peyer’s Patches are around the small intestine and play a major role in how your body responds to foreign invaders. Once your body digests the Beta 1,3D Glucan, your lymphatic system transports it throughout the body. The Beta 1,3D Glucan binds to the receptors on immune system cells and wakes them up! When there are more immune cells ready to go, they move quicker to destroy the pathogen or invaders. Thus, you have a stronger immune response. 

Transfer Point’s Beta 1,3D Glucan is sourced from the cell wall of brewer’s yeast.  Beta Glucans are a type of fiber found in many foods including brewer’s yeast, mushrooms, and oats.  You can obtain very small amounts of beta glucans by eating these foods, but in order to obtain clinical results, you will need to take beta glucan in supplement form.  Transfer Point’s Beta 1,3D Glucan is not a capsule filled with brewer’s yeast.  It is an extract of beta glucan taken from the cell wall of brewer’s yeast cells.  

Medical studies have shown that 500mg of beta-glucans can influence immune cell activity.  It would be nearly impossible to eat enough brewer’s yeast in one day to obtain that amount of concentrated beta-glucans.  

Transfer Point’s Beta 1,3D Glucan has been compared to 40 other beta glucan supplements and found to be the most potent and bioavailable.  Additionally, Transfer Point ensures their Beta 1,3D Glucan is a standardized 80% extract while other brands are only offering a 50% extract. 

Beta-glucans have been rigorously studied for their effectiveness in addressing illness. Transfer Point’s formula has been clinically proven to be effective in supporting your immune system.

Beta Glucan FAQs

Is beta-glucan good for gut health?

Beta-glucans are a type of polysaccharide fiber found in many plant foods. Fibers are important for gut health as they provide food for the probiotics already living in your microbiome.  Beta-glucan supplements may assist your immune cells in your gut to recognize and remove infections or pathogens. 

Can I take beta-glucan and probiotics together?

Yes, beta-glucan supplements and probiotics may be taken together on an empty stomach.  

Does beta-glucan help digestion?

Beta glucan is a soluble fiber. A soluble fiber is a type of fiber that pulls water to it during digestion and creates a gel. This gel slows digestion and allows you to feel fuller longer. This differs from insoluble fiber, which adds bulk to waste and helps food pass faster through the digestive system. Beta-glucan supplements are an extract of this fiber and will not help to you feel full, but will support immune cell activity. 

Is beta-glucan a probiotic?

 Yes, beta-glucans found in food are prebiotics that feed and maintain healthy gut bacteria.  Beta-glucan supplements are taken to support and enhance immune cell activity. 

Is beta-glucan good for IBS?

Yes, Beta-glucan supplements are helpful for reducing pain, diarrhea, and bloating associated with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).  Beta-glucan supplements may address infections, inflammation, lesions, or microbial imbalances that are known to cause IBS symptoms.

Who shouldn’t take beta glucan supplements?

Anyone who is on an immune-suppressing drug should not take beta-glucan supplements. 

What not to mix beta-glucan with? 

Beta-glucan supplements may interfere with high blood pressure medications.  Consult with your physician before taking beta-glucan supplements if you are taking blood pressure medications.

What are the benefits of taking beta glucans?  

Medical research on beta-glucan supplements shows improved immune system function, lowered cholesterol, lower BMI through weight loss, and anti-cancer and anti-diabetes properties. 

Does beta glucan increase white blood cells?

Yes, beta-glucan supplements may increase white blood cells.

What is the recommended dose for Transfer Point’s Beta 1,3D Glucan?

For maintenance or prevention take 1 mg per pound. If you weigh 150 pounds, you would take 150mg to maintain general health. Transfer Point Beta Glucan is available in a 100 mg capsules. I recommend 1 capsule per day for immune support. 

For times of stress, I recommend 1 capsule taken twice daily.

For acute illness, I recommend 10 mg per pound. A 150-pound person would take 1500 mg per day or 3 of the 500 mg capsules. Higher doses are commonly used by those dealing with cancer.

I recommend taking up to 1500mg per day for a cold or flu.  Studies have shown that this can shorten the severity and duration of an illness.  

Recent studies show promising results for beta-glucans as a prevention for Covid. 

Is it safe to take beta-glucan?

Beta glucan supplements are rated GRAS, Generally Regarded as Safe by the FDA Food and Drug Administration. Transfer Point Beta-Glucan is manufactured in a cGMP facility with strict adherence to safety and purity standards.  

Concluding Thoughts

Immune health is more important than ever! From COVID to the flu to RSV, we are seeing more people being drastically affected by illness. Not only does this put strain on families, but workplaces as well. Let’s make boosting immune health a year-round goal, not just for cold and flu seasons. If you have any questions on Beta 1,3D Glucan, be sure to Schedule a consult with me, Carly Neubert BA, NC.