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The Future of Vitamin C: The Super Powered Vitamin

by Carly Neubert, BA, NC on April 05, 2017

The Future of Vitamin C: The Super Powered Vitamin

This post is Part 1 of a 3-Part Series called The Future of Vitamin C. This post will cover some of the many super powers of Vitamin C and go into detail regarding its many benefits.

If you're looking for more basic information on Vitamin C before you learn about the future of Vitamin C, make sure to read my previous blog post: Vitamin C Basics.

If you're looking for Part 2: Liposomes: Fad or Fantastic?
If you're looking for Part 3: Liposomal Vitamin C


Ok, let's jump into Part 1, The Super Powered Vitamin!


Faster Than A Speeding Bullet

Vitamin C may not be as fast as a bullet, but it still works fast! Vitamin C is a common household supplement, even finding its way into home pharmacies of those who don't take supplements on a regular basis.

One of the reasons everyone feels safe to have it in their home is because there is no risk of overdosing on Vitamin C. It is water soluble and if you consume too much Vitamin C at one time, diarrhea is as bad as it gets.

Vitamin C is Safe

In order to assimilate large doses of Vitamin C without diarrhea, I recommend Liposomal Vitamin C. Some manufacturers call this Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C. Lypo-Spheric and Liposomal Vitamin C are the same product, but with different names.

The Super Powers of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is nature's more powerful antioxidant. It is also one of the least expensive antioxidant supplements. What are the common uses for Vitamin C? The sky is the limit with this nutrient. It can be used for colds, allergies, and some even say it can be used for cancer. In fact, a new study shows that Vitamin C supplementation allows your body to create hydrogen peroxide that kills cancer cells (New Study: Why High-Dose Vitamin C Kills Cancer Cells).

Here are a few Vitamin C super powers you should be aware of:

Vitamin C is the Super Antioxidant

Most of our health, or disease states, are influenced by oxidation and antioxidants. Oxidants, also known as free radicals, are molecules that are missing an electron. Oxidants crash into other molecules and steal electrons, which create an additional free radical. Antioxidant molecules (like Vitamin C), have an electron that they can donate, which stops the oxidation process. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and stop the damage done to cells, tissues, and organs.  

Vitamin C Insurance

Taking antioxidant supplements, like Vitamin C, is akin to having an insurance policy. You buy into an insurance plan because you know that sooner or later you will need the additional coverage and help. If you take Vitamin C, you are adopting the same principle: sooner or later you will be exposed to free radicals and your body will need the antioxidant strength of Vitamin C.  

Vitamin C is a Super Anti-inflammatory

Free radicals are the main source of inflammation in your body. Your immune cells are responsible for neutralizing and kicking out free radicals and all other invaders. 

Your immune cells are constantly searching for and destroying invaders. If you are exposed to an ongoing large amount of free radicals, your immune cells will be overwhelmed. They will not be able to keep up with the demand and excess inflammation will abound.  

Vitamin C is also very important for tissue inflammation. When you injure a tissue, your body must increase collagen production to heal the affected area. When you have surgery there is always injury to tissues. Although the surgery may be necessary and helpful overall, the tissues affected will be damaged by the surgery itself.

Collagen rebuilds tissue and skin that is affected by injury or surgery. Without collagen, the surgery incision would not close up or heal. Vitamin C is a critical component of collagen production. 

Vitamin C for a Super-Powered Immune System

Both Liposomal Vitamin C and traditional Vitamin C supplements are used for improving immune health. Immune health is a broad term and encompasses most of your body's functions.  

You have many types of immune cells which are all made in your bone marrow. Phagocytes are cells that engulf and absorb foreign invaders in your bloodstream. You can imagine phagocytes as a Pac-Man character. They open their mouths and chomp up anything suspicious in their paths.

T-Cells are like Pac Man

T-cells are made in the bone marrow and then stored in the thymus gland. They are programmed to kill only one type of invader.

You can imagine that each T-cell has a key that will only fit in certain locks. Phagocytes and T-cells cannot function without a ready supply of Vitamin C. If you are deficient in Vitamin C, these cells will not be ready to fight when you are exposed to a cold, flu or a more serious illness.   

Vitamin C for Super-Relief from Allergies and Hayfever

Rival Over the Counter Allergy Medications

Vitamin C is a strong antihistamine that can rival the strength of over the counter allergy medications like Zyrtec and Allegra D. Vitamin C is far less toxic and less expensive than common allergy medications.  


Vitamin C really packs a punch when it comes to overall healing and wellness and its high accessibility makes it the best and cheapest addition to anyone's home pharmacy.

 Next week we'll be moving on to Part 2, so look out for our new blog post or subscribe to our email list so you can get notified when Part 2 is published!

If you're in the reading mood, here are some great references to subjects regarding Vitamin C. If you have any questions about the post or Vitamin C in general, let me know in the comment section below and I'll make sure to respond!

For additional recipes, biohacking tips and lifestyle hacks -- check out my other blog on my coaching site www.cleancoachcarly.com! I post weekly about nutrition and lifestyle topics, all backed by science. Happy Reading!


Prescription drugs that deplete Vitamin C

Seasonal allergies and Vitamin C

Vitamin C and inflammation

Antihistamine action of Vitamin C 

Ascorbic Acid and Immune Health

Insights into Vitamin C as an Antioxidant

Vitamin C for immune cells 

Vitamin C and human health